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Beloved Liberal Icon J.K. Rowling Misquotes The Word “Bankers” As “Jews” In Barrage Of Hateful Tweets Against Jeremy Corbyn – The Clover Chronicle

On Saturday, “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling went off on a strange Twitter rant about Jeremy Corbyn, a British politician serving as the leader of the Labour Party. She began by writing the following: And lo, unto her did appear a host of Corbyn defenders, who did descend upon her mentions, and she was not sore afraid, because she was used to it. And the host did sing with one voice, “ungodly woman, thou foolest us not. We know the true reason thou despisest Saint Jeremy.” And lo, unto her did appear a host of Corbyn defenders, who did descend upon her mentions, and she was not sore afraid, because she was used to it. And the host did sing with one voice, “ungodly woman, thou foolest us not. We know the true reason thou despisest Saint Jeremy.” 1 – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 And she did say unto them “share thy hot take.” And with righteous wrath they did declare, “thou fearest Saint Jeremy, friend of the poor, because he shall take from thee in taxation much more even than Herod, and so thou attackest the meek and honest saviour of this land.” 2 – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 my full portion, seeking neither to flee to Monaco nor to hide my gold in far flung lands, like St Jacob, Patron Saint of Filthy Hypocrites.” “Speak not of hypocrites!” cried the host, “for thou dost claim to care about the poor yet doth rail against their champion, St Jeremy!” 4 – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 a miracle, and he shall bring forth a Jobs First Brexit and all the land shall rejoice.” And she did answer, “bollocks.” But she bethought her of the season of goodwill, and repenting of her ire she did speak further. “I have, for all my life, voted Labour, yet now I cannot.” 6 – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 “But his goodness doth shine out of his every orifice!” cried the host, swarming anew into her mentions. “Behold his beard! Look upon this picture of him being led off by police when he was protesting racism in all its forms!” And she did say, “I have looked upon his beard 7 – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 In her ninth tweet, she wrote: “Speak not of the Jews!” cried the host. “Why must thou speak so oft of the Jews?” “Yea, I must speak,” said she, “for when Jews no longer feel safe in Labour then I too must leave.” And one of the host did shout something about the Rothschilds – J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 22, 2018 Archive: Some believe Rowling replaced the word “Bankers” with “Jews” to insinuate that Corbyn is antisemitic: Crazy she switched those words, huh? – Cody Johnston (@drmistercody) December 22, 2018 Other users were also not very happy about her long-winded rant and smear job: This is really an unbelievably wrong and offensive smear job. – Lefty-Desiree McLeftyFace (@TinaDesireeBerg) December 22, 2018 You don”t get to write a million books full of goblins depicted as hook nosed banker caricatures right out of Der Stu00fcrmer and then accuse other people of anti semitism lmao – tankie swap (@baalhisses) December 22, 2018 Nice Star of David motif here. Who”s the antisemite again? – Red Robinud83cudf39 (@robin_jagoda) December 22, 2018 You really aren”t well! – John Williams (@JohnMiaWilliams) December 22, 2018 This is embarrassing. – juliet (@auplaisirdedieu) December 22, 2018 You”ve turned into a caricature of Moldevort. Harry would be so sad – Bill Cowan (@willcowan54) December 22, 2018 Politics 101. If you can”t attack the policies attack the person. – mark weston (@blade1701) December 22, 2018 Old JK is obsessed with the man. Tweets about him all the time. I think she fancies him ud83dude09 – JohnnyRob (@JohnRobb1231) December 22, 2018 So criticizing banks is bad because either you believe that all bankers are Jewish or you benifit from these powerful bankers and want to falsely smear all criticisms falsely as anti semitic. – Living Zombie Soulud83dudc9cud83cudf19 (@P34tr1) December 22, 2018 Click here to read the rest of Rowling”s tweets from earlier today. Archive: Let us know your thoughts about the author”s diatribe against Corbyn. Did she go too far? Leave a comment below. Main Image Credit: Variety 1,415 views

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