Friday, February 28, 2025

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2020 Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren Caught With “Blackface” Doll Sitting On Her Kitchen Cabinet During Live Instagram Stream – The Clover Chronicle

During a live Instagram stream in her home kitchen on New Years Eve, Massachusetts Senator and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren was seen “taking a break” and drinking beer while speaking to her supporters: “Um, I”m glad for everybody who”s joining this video. It”s great to hear from you. “Hold on a sec, I”m going to get me a beer.” After she got her beer, Warren introduced her husband and then announced she was going to run for president in 2020, according to CBS News. Video: Interestingly enough, sitting on top of the senator”s kitchen cabinet appeared to be a black-colored doll: Enhanced: Some believe the doll, or small statue, may resemble a racist “Sambo” type caricature. View examples here, here and here. What are your thoughts? Is it really a “blackface” doll or just a harmless decoration piece? Let us know by leaving a comment. CAN’T MAKE THIS UP: Elizabeth Warren goes live on Instagram to show off the racist Black Sambo figurines of her kitchen.@SenWarren for president 2020! – Bob Kostic (@causticbob) January 1, 2019 Can’t believe there hasn’t been a major media investigation about the mammy or sambo figurine on the top of Elizabeth Warren’s kitchen cabinet. – LeslieP (@less_tx) January 3, 2019 Did anyone else see the #SAMBO doll in @SenWarren video?? Not the way to get #BLACKAMERICANS votes there LIZZY – Dennis Morans (@DennisMorans) January 3, 2019 Will the Black Community give @SenWarren a pass for having a Black Sambo statue in her kitchen? Is this acceptable “art work” for a Fauxcahontas? Elizabeth – you got some “splaining to do. Or some coverup. @RealCandaceO @w_terrence #Oopsie – TheyCallMeLiberty (@MrsLibertyNC) January 3, 2019 I liked the Gollywog/Sambo statuette she had on the shelf above her. – Null Pointer Condition (@NuruPoExcep) January 2, 2019 And not to out of work AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! You will never win with sambo cookie jar on top of cabinet! EVIL – Karon Villaverde (@KarVilla96) January 2, 2019 Check this out. Pocahontas has a Little Black Sambo cookie jar in her mansion. That has to be a high crime for a democrat, right??? @SenWarren – Gawonii (@RELBTX) January 2, 2019 – PurelyPolitics (@politics_purely) January 2, 2019 @RAZ0RFIST I was bored the other day and then I heard @SenWarren was doing a kitchen thing on Instagram. Then someone sent me this and lo and behold. Black Sambo on the top of her cabinet. So not only is she not Native American, but a racist as well. Elizabeth Warren 2020 fail. – Master Thomas (@MasterThomas8) January 2, 2019 #ElizabethWarren goes live,,, and discloses her racist #sambo statue in her kitchen Cant make this shit up folks. Why racism? – I AM A NATIONALIST (@kikinokc) January 2, 2019 – Gone Fishing (@Texas_Eric1) January 1, 2019 Image Credits: Instagram, YouTube 18,110 views

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