Home Articles French Protesters Planning Bank Run With Potential To Devastate Entire Euro Currency System – The Clover Chronicle

French Protesters Planning Bank Run With Potential To Devastate Entire Euro Currency System – The Clover Chronicle


Source: Daily Crusader PARIS, France – The “Gilet Jaunes” protesters, fed up with increasing control from the French government including tyrannical policing of peaceful protesters and new “Martial Law” rules enacted to hamstring the protesters, are now planning a “bank run” which would see most French civilians withdrawing all of their funding from France”s banks. French banks, which already run on a “Fractional Reserve” system, are estimated to have less than 1/4th of the funds on hand needed to satisfy a bank run conducted by citizens in the city of Paris alone – let alone the entire French nation. This has the potential to completely tank the Euro if the protesters manage to pull it off. The speculation has led to widespread panic among the Zionist Elites who run Europe”s central banks. Many already believe the banks are planning on stealing the money anyways – which may lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy as citizens withdraw money and banks end up closing down without satisfying the citizens needs – essentially a “theft.” There is currently little faith among French citizens that the French government, led by President Emmanuel “Rothschild” Macron, would hold these criminal banksters accountable for their crimes at all. The movement is already being called a “Western Winter” – to contrast with the “Arab Spring.” Image Credit: Daily Crusader 390 views