Home Articles Operation Stand Your Ground’ Underway After D.C. Confrontation Between Covington Catholic Student Nicholas Sandmann And Native American Activist Nathan Phillips – The Clover Chronicle

Operation Stand Your Ground’ Underway After D.C. Confrontation Between Covington Catholic Student Nicholas Sandmann And Native American Activist Nathan Phillips – The Clover Chronicle


Posters and stickers of Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann with the words “Stand Your Ground” are appearing in high schools and other locations throughout the United States. WBKO 13 News Per their article: 13 News was sent the attached photo Wednesday morning of what appears to be a drawing of Nick Sandmann. Sandmann was involved in an incident between Kentucky high school students and a Native American elder which gained national attention over the weekend. The district has been made aware of the situation and is looking into it. Actor James Woods tweeted about the “Stand Your Ground” image a few days ago: When the mob moves in pic.twitter.com/luZ585Lusu – James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) January 24, 2019 New York Times A popular meme in Trump Facebook world today pic.twitter.com/UTriL6uMDE – Steadmanu2122 (@AsteadWesley) January 22, 2019 The game plan of “Operation Stand Your Ground” is as follows (Source: 4chan) – Posters go up RIGHT NOW Do not change the design Do not commit any vandalism or crimes Wear a disguise if necessary 1,151 views