Monday, March 10, 2025

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Actress Rose McGowan Said She Had An Abortion When She Was Younger So She Would Have More Time To “Change The World” – The Clover Chronicle

Actress-turned-activist Rose McGowan took to Twitter yesterday and posted a couple of controversial messages about her personal experience with abortion. McGowan ended her second tweet by encouraging her followers to discuss the topic by using hashtag #HonestAbortion: I realized I could not bring a child into my world and simultaneously change the world. into my world and simultaneously change the world. I do not regret my decision and it was not made lightly. If you do not want an abortion, don”t get one. My body, my choice, my life. Have you had to make a choice? Let”s talk and use hashtag #HonestAbortion – rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) March 1, 2019 The message McGowan referred to was a tweet made by UltraViolet, a nonprofit feminist organization that “creates consequences for sexism by holding politicians and thought leaders accountable to all women.” In their tweet, they claimed abortion is “common, normal and safe”: 1 in 4 women has an abortion by age 45. 60% are already mothers. Abortion is common, normal, and safe, but anti-choice politicians want you to believe otherwise in hopes of ending safe, legal abortion access. #HowDareYou – UltraViolet (@UltraViolet) March 1, 2019 The actress, who is now 45-years-old, was recognized as one of the leaders of the #MeToo movement after Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was exposed for his alleged sexual misconduct. According to Breitbart: Before Christmas in 2018, McGowan released a video of her re-enacting the lyrics to “Baby, It”s Cold Outside” with her “gender fluid” partner Rain Dove, claiming that the song is no longer “appropriate.” She is also known for her anti-Trump activism and oftentimes compares his supporters to “cult members.” interview SFGate Image Credit: Instagram CNN”s Acosta: Trump, Conservative News “Represent Existential Threat To This Country” U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin”s Alleged Money Laundering Wikileaks Email Reemerges In Wake Of Senate Confirmation FLASHBACK: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Once Wore Communist Hammer-And-Sickle Hat During Meeting With Russian Officials Real-life Dystopia? Microsoft”s Patent To Reanimate Dead As “Chatbots” In Technology, Weird, World Huh? Official German Embassy Account Shares Photo Of Mock Oval Office In Tweet About U.S. Rejoining Paris Accord VIDEO: Trump Spotted At White House While Biden Was Signing Executive Orders AP Retracts Article About Biden”s New Assistant Secretary Of Health Declaring “Hostile Misgendering” A Mental Illness

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