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CIA Releases Millions Of Previously Classified Documents To Public… – The Clover Chronicle

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recently released 25 years worth of previously classified records through its CREST (CIA Records Search Tool) archive program. According to CREST”s description: Over 11 million pages have been released in electronic format and reside on the CREST database Some of these records cover topics such as: Office of Strategic Services (OSS) operations during World War II Geo-political JPRS reports The 1952-1956 Cold War “Berlin Tunnel Operation” “Secret Writings” such as “invisible photography and writing” using “sympathetic ink” and other secret formulas The “STARGATE” Project Due to the massive scale of CREST”s database, we”d like to focus on just a couple of topics in this article (Note: Clicking on any of the links above will bring you straight to the CIA”s archive where you can explore to your heart”s content). appearing Here is a quick rundown on the OSS: The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was a wartime intelligence agency of the United States during World War II, and a predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The OSS was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Other OSS functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, and post-war planning. (Source) Some notable documents from the CIA”s “OSS Collection”: Activities in Italy; Hitler”s Correspondence With Mussolini; Plans For The Invasion Of Russia – Correspondence / Proposal For Providing Sanctuary To Jewish Refugees In 1941 – Public Letters From German Bishop Von Galen Protesting Forced Euthanasia Policy Of The Third Reich – View more OSS records here. “STARGATE” was another subject that piqued our interest. According to the Independent: Project Star Gate, as it was known, was the codename for a US government project intended to use psychic and supernatural phenomenon for spying and military uses. Some of the records/transcripts from STARGATE read as if they”re straight out of a sci-fi novel. Here is one example: “Grill Flame” Meeting, 30 October 1979 – “GRILL FLAME” Meeting, 30 October 1979, 1400 hrs, Rm 3E 988 Attendees: Dr. LaBerge, Dr. Ruth Davis, LTG Tighe, MG Thompson, MG Brown and RADM Shapiro. Dr. LaBerge: LTG Tighe: Dr. LaBerge: LTG Tighe: Dr. Davis: “Other A Summary” 1. Source described site as an “official” technical experiment. Site”s main component is very long, thin and raised. It is higher in the middle and lower to the sides (NFI). In cross section, it gives the impression of a “conduit” for something. High levels of electromagnetic energy are essential to the site. Part (or all) of the conduit is composed of segments. There is a sense of very dense or heavy metal associated with the site, particularly in connection with the object discussed below. 2. A metallic, highly polished, bullet-shaped object, delivered to the site in a heavily reinforced shipping container, is placed at the (closed) end of the conduit. Within this object is a container holding a corrosive substance. The substance seems to be black in color while in the container but changes color (perhaps to gold) as it proceeds out of the container and on to the objective (NFI). (NOTE: Source could not determine if the metallic object, the substance it contained or something else was directed down the conduit). 3. The object of the experiment was to impact a rectangular target, (made up of a substance on a matrix), with at least one thing. To [ensure] this, several or many “things” are projected at it. This action causes the target to become blackened, warped, pitted, eroded and scoured. After impact, the target is studied, examined and analyzed. Next up: “Other B” Summary – Real life truly is stranger than fiction sometimes If you want to see more from the CREST archive, click here. Image Credits: CIA, Fortune 501 views

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