Home Articles Photo Of Creepy “Artwork” Emerges In Wake Of Jeffrey Epstein Scandal… – The Clover Chronicle

Photo Of Creepy “Artwork” Emerges In Wake Of Jeffrey Epstein Scandal… – The Clover Chronicle


On Wednesday, a photo of what appears to be a piece of artwork that is allegedly located in the home of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein”s longtime partner, was shared on both Twitter and 4chan: Just gonna sit down for a minute. Take a break. Think about some stuff. pic.twitter.com/wEfXmNbyX6 – Matt Christman (@cushbomb) July 10, 2019 The photo shows an unidentified man standing in front of a large wall with cracked red paint. Directly above him is a strange looking mask or sculpture of a face. Long, braided facial hair protrudes from its chin and a brown drape covered in familiar symbols accompanies it: Embed from Getty Images One observant image board user noticed the same symbol also appears on the bald portion of the mask”s head: Here are some reactions from social media: Your guy”s next Call of Cthulhu game is gonna have to work really hard to catch up to reality – matthew the raven (@matthewaraven) July 10, 2019 pic.twitter.com/9OmYiSzuRe – Feminist Proper Gander (@dappergander) July 10, 2019 Looks like someone managed to out-creep John Podesta”s taste in art – Concrete Milkshake Duck (@WDavidWork) July 10, 2019 Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuhhhhhhh – bust cohle (@graysplaining) July 10, 2019 I”m starting to rethink the bohemian groove is just theatrical shit – rafa (@rafaellomxl) July 10, 2019 Tweet archive Thread archive In Crime, Politics, U.S. Joe Biden And The Mainstream Media PREDICTED A Coronavirus Pandemic Would Happen