Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Hacker Brags About DDoSing World Of Warcraft Classic Servers – The Clover Chronicle

On Saturday, Blizzard Entertainment”s World of Warcraft Classic servers suffered from continuous crashes, resulting in hundreds of thousands of players being unable to login and play their favorite MMORPG. A user on Twitter, who goes by the handle @UkDrillas, openly bragged about targeting the servers: The hacker most likely used an attack called Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). Definition: DDoS is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems, which are often infected with a Trojan, are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Victims of a DDoS attack consist of both the end targeted system and all systems maliciously used and controlled by the hacker in the distributed attack. -Webopedia UkDrillas” motives are unknown, but some have speculated they are not a fan of popular WoW streamers, such as Asmongold and Sodapoppin, since they pinned a tweet mentioning their names and announced “RIP” (rest in peace). BBC This most recent attack, however, may result in heftier fines and jail time since it affected multiple servers and even other games. As of 1:00pm Pacific on Saturday, Blizzard has yet to make an announcement regarding the DDoS attack on either their official forums or Twitter. thread Some online services continue to be impacted by a series of DDoS attacks which are resulting in high latency and disconnections. These disruption effects have been felt by a portion of our players, impacting their gaming experience. Thank you again for your continued patience. – Blizzard CS – The Americas (@BlizzardCS) September 7, 2019 [#WoWClassic] Our teams are currently investigating issues impacting realm stability. Thank you all for your reports. – Blizzard CS – The Americas (@BlizzardCS) September 8, 2019 [#Bnet] We are currently monitoring a DDOS attack against network providers which is affecting latency/connections to our games. – Blizzard CS – The Americas (@BlizzardCS) September 8, 2019 Suspect in WoW Classic and Overwatch DDoS attacks arrested 2,562 views 4,321,197 views

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