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WATCH: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Talks About “Pledging Allegiance To The New World Order” – The Clover Chronicle

On Monday, Twitter user “VICCI” shared a strange video clip of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot talking about city training and how agencies and deputies who have pledged “allegiance to the New World Order” should be involved. The exact context of the discussion is difficult to make out. Watch below: And here you have it Illinois!! It has ZERO to do with COVID-19 and everything to do with marching us into the New World Order! Mayor of Chicago freely calls it out with no shame! Our sovereignty is being threatened.. time to FIGHT! #ObamaGate @realDonaldTrump LISTEN! – u2764ufe0f VICCI u2764ufe0f (@sgonnawin2020) May 11, 2020 Video clip backup “With the executive branch, because otherwise it doesn”t work. So, you gotta eliminate that compliance and make a mandate. “And then you do training, particularly in the city [] licensing departments, whether it”s zoning, buildings, housing will be impacted by it, planning, certainly. pledging allegiance to the New World Order governance User “Bobby D” shared the clip again on Wednesday and had this to say about it: “Wait, I thought we sheltered to ruin our economy to take down Trump? Wait, I meant to flatten the curve. Well looky here, apparently it”s to usher in the New World Order! Raise your hand if you think this whole thing is a scam.” Others who have seen the video also gave their thoughts about what it could possibly mean: “Holy sh*t, they”re this blatant about it. They”re literally calling out for a New World Order.” “What the f*ck happened to the Democratic party? They sold out to China and the NWO or what?” “They know no one will do anything about it, and no one has, so they can just admit it openly now and laugh in your face.” Chicago Tribune Here is the question and answer portion of the interview where Lightfoot mentions the New World Order: Q: You ran on getting rid of aldermanic privilege (the practice of aldermen having veto power over all permitting and zoning decisions in their wards). That”s probably easier to talk about than the mechanics of actually withdrawing that practice. It”s not like it”s a line in the city code. It”s deeper than that. How do you go about addressing that? A: I”m going to consult with some of the alderman who have been supportive of the campaign. I”m very clear on it. Some of them have a very different view, but I”m very clear that it”s got to go. I want to do it in a way that doesn”t do further harm, the quintessential throwing the baby out with the bathwater. But it”s got to go. How do you do it? My thoughts are that because it”s not written into law and it”s just a very dominant culture I”m thinking about an executive order from day one that says in more legalese than this, “This is not a thing. We will no longer honor this.” And then you do training, particularly in the city licensing departments whether it”s zoning, buildings, housing, planning, and you pick the people who run those agencies and the deputies that are pledging allegiance to the new world order and good governance. You obviously have to engage in a dialogue with the City Council. It”s not that alderman no longer are able to have notice and an opportunity to be heard. If aldermen are doing their job right, they should be the people who are closest to the vibe and the beat in their neighborhood and have a very important role to play on a number of different issues, but not a unilateral, unchecked right. That”s gone as soon as I take office, because it prevents us from engaging in citywide initiatives, it prevents us from moving ahead on important issues like affordable housing and it is fundamentally corrosive and there is no way to monitor it in a way you can bring transparency and accountability to it. If I”ve got to go and kiss the ring of the alderman for everything, for a license to have a block club party or whatever it is and there is a catalog of all the things that are run through the aldermanic offices, that is fundamentally a problem. And it”s the tens of thousands of touches that an alderman has on a regular basis with constituents who think that they have to give some additional thing to get access to basic city services, that is the corrosive effect. And it”s obviously worse when an alderman takes that power and then tries to monetize it for him or herself. Article backup From CBSN Chicago – “When downtown is in lockdown, our neighborhoods are next, and our failure to fully get ready for what”s going on in the neighborhoods, we”re seeing this destruction, and we”re thinking that it”s going to somehow end tonight. We have seen where, in other cities, this has gone on for days; and we need to come up with a better plan for days, at least for the next five days, to try and stabilize our communities,” Lopez said. “We can”t expect our police, and I don”t fault them at all, to be able to control this,” he said. “Half our neighborhoods are already obliterated. It”s too late.” Lopez said he feared looters would eventually start targeting homes after ransacking businesses throughout the city. “Once they”re done looting and rioting and whatever”s going to happen tonight, God help us, what happens when they start going after residents? Going into the neighborhoods? Once they start trying to break down people”s doors, if they think they”ve got something,” he said. “We know that people are here to antagonize and incite, and you”ve got them all pumped tonight, today. They”re not going to go to bed at 8 o”clock. They”re going to turn their focus on the neighborhoods. I”ve got gang-bangers with AK-47s walking around right now, just waiting to settle some scores. What are we going to do, and what do we tell residents, other than good faith people stand up? It”s not going to be enough,” Lopez added. When Lopez finished talking on the conference call, Lightfoot declined to respond, and tried to move on to another alderman, but Lopez demanded an answer. “It”s not something you ignore. This is a question that I have,” Lopez said. That”s when the call turned profane. “I think you”re 100% full of s***, is what I think,” Lightfoot said. Lopez was infuriated. “F*** you, then. Who are you to tell me I”m full of s***?” he said. “Maybe you should come out and see what”s going on.” The mayor vehemently denied protecting downtown at the expense of the neighborhoods. “If you think we”re not ready, and we stood by and let the neighborhoods go up, there”s nothing intelligent that I could say to you,” she said. “That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I understand you want to preen.” “Mayor, you need to check your f***ing attitude. That”s what you need to do,” Lopez shot back. Read their full article, which includes leaked audio of the meeting H/T: anons 0y5+wdj0, +4JkuJC2 Image and Video Credits: The Chicago Tribune, Twitter 7,477 views

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