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Official FBI Twitter Account Shares Records From Controversial ‘Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion’ – The Clover Chronicle

On Wednesday, the official Twitter account (@FBIRecordsVault) posted a message which simply stated “Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion” along with a link to one of their web pages: Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion: – FBI Records Vault (@FBIRecordsVault) August 19, 2020 While visiting the page, you will see a downloadable PDF document titled “Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion Part 01 of 01”: It appears the FBI has collected countless newspaper clips, book excerpts, hand written notes, letters and other records related to this subject over the years. Most of them can be found inside the 139-page-long PDF file: Times of London Gordon Fisher The Great in the Small: Antichrist considered as an imminent political possibility Fisher, along with others, believe the text to be antisemitic in nature: “The [document] is, to many people, obviously a clumsy piece of false antisemitic propaganda. Nevertheless, there have been and still are others who have taken and take the work to be a kind of revelation of the truth about a conspiracy of a small number of Jewish leaders to gain political control of the whole world.” So far on Twitter, there have been mixed reactions to the official FBI Vault release: Decade after decade we keep being told The Protocols are antisemitic trope nonsense – BUT – it”s exactly what”s happened, and what was done by whom, too. I”m going to have to give this a “where there”s smoke, there”s fire” rating and take it at face value as true. – Whiskey Charlie Eleven (@wcpol) August 19, 2020 Did Q hack the @FBI Twitter account? – David Rothschild (@DavMicRot) August 19, 2020 FYI: Everything that has already come true – Angelo John Gage (@AngeloJohnGage) August 19, 2020 You are WILDLY IRRESPONSIBLE for tweeting this document without offering any context and framework to ensure that anyone looking at this document understands that it is one of the most dangerous embodiments of antisemitism ever produced. (cc: @HolocaustMuseum @AuschwitzMuseum) – Emily Pressman (@emilypressman) August 19, 2020 Oh cool, the FBI is doing that weird thing where it starts tweeting bizarre shit right before the election again – Pu00e9 (@4everNeverTrump) August 19, 2020 This blatantly anti-Semitic content needs to be taken down immediately @FBI. – Mimi Rocah (@Mimirocah1) August 19, 2020 Thanks, I”m going to read this uncritically and as if it”s real. Let me know if that”s an issue. – Cody Johnston (@drmistercody) August 19, 2020 Was there a glitch in the Matrix? The FBI investigated the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Aren”t the Protocols a forgery? If yes, why did the FBI devote so much time investigating the plot? Despite his faults, J. Edgar Hoover hated communism.What would Hoover say about Antifa? – TruNewsu2122 (@TruNews) August 19, 2020 Visit the FBI Vault”s official website here Main Image Credit: 676 views 4,379,531 views

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