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Copywriting and Artificial Intelligence: Can Digital Texts Have a “Soul”?

Let’s start this article with a philosophical question: can an object have a soul? The idea that various objects—both natural creations and human-made artifacts—possess a spirit is linked to a branch of paganism, the animistic worldview. It was believed that every object has its own inner life, containing an energy that can “speak” to humans.

Of course, in a modern context, when we talk about an object’s “soul,” we speak metaphorically, referring to its ability to evoke emotions and feelings. This leads to a contemporary dilemma: can a text written with the help of artificial intelligence be captivating and possess a “soul”? Let’s explore this topic in more detail.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Copywriting

It must be acknowledged that artificial intelligence is gradually establishing itself in various industries and fields. Copywriting is no exception—AI-powered tools help automate content creation, writing social media posts, blog entries, SEO articles, press releases, and more.

However, the team at the copywriting agency UAB “City Agency” has noticed that the demand for copywriting services has not decreased. On the contrary, the number of inquiries has been increasing. Why? After all, it seems so simple nowadays: open ChatGPT, enter a prompt, and… you have a text! But in reality, things are not that straightforward.

Artificial intelligence is an excellent tool for assisting in writing, but it cannot replace a professional writer. The reason why is already implied in this article’s title: texts generated by AI lack a “soul.”

The Symbiosis of Writers and Artificial Intelligence

Let’s imagine a hypothetical situation: a client approaches a copywriting agency looking for a full package of services, including website content, newsletters, SEO copywriting, and more. What does the copywriter do?

First, they familiarize themselves with the client: they research the products/services, determine the communication tone, target audience, and other crucial information. In many cases, a meeting or a phone call is necessary—it is essential to discuss expectations and learn as much as possible about the client.

Only after gathering all the necessary information can the copywriter begin their work. This is where artificial intelligence can be helpful. The more precisely the writer formulates the task for AI, the better the generated text will be. And yet… the work does not end here. Once the AI-generated text is available, it is necessary to:

  • Critically evaluate the information. AI is not infallible; the information may be inaccurate or even misleading. A writer must fact-check everything.
  • Review language nuances. AI is not a linguist. It can make stylistic, grammatical, or punctuation errors. Everything needs to be checked and corrected.
  • Bring the text to life. AI-generated texts can be coherent and persuasive, but they often lack authenticity—the unique human touch. Metaphors, wordplay, comparisons, and cultural references are what give a text its “soul.”
  • Ensure the client’s expectations are met. A high-quality text reflects the client’s specific requirements. A writer must assess whether all expectations are met; if not, it is their responsibility to make necessary adjustments.

It is worth noting that all these steps take a considerable amount of time. Therefore, a writer must always evaluate what is more efficient—writing the text from scratch or using AI. In most cases, the former option prevails, with AI serving only as an auxiliary tool for generating ideas or finding synonyms when the right word just won’t come to mind.


How can we summarize this article? Simply: for a text to have a “soul,” human intervention is essential—the work of a professional writer. At least for now, artificial intelligence can only serve as a supportive tool, helping generate ideas or perform technical tasks.

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