On November 4th, Akihiko Kondo, a 35-year-old middle school teacher in Tokyo, married a hologram of a virtual teenage girl named Hatsune Miku. According to Crypton Future Media, the company that created the digital character, “The hologram takes the shape of a 16-year-old girl with long, turquoise ponytails and is a singing voice synthesizer featured in over 100,000 songs.” Kondo”s family is embarrassed by the wedding ceremony, which cost $18,000. Around 40 guests reportedly attended the event, excluding all of the teacher”s immediate family members. View some photos of the ceremony below (Credits: Reuters, Zero Hedge): Gatebox Lab, the company behind the virtual hologram device, is offering marriage registration applications to anyone interested in marrying a virtual character. Watch their promotional video below: Main Image Credit: Gatebox Labs 94 views 4,424,260 views