A shocking scene caught on video shows a “Yellow Vest” protester in France being hit by what appears to be a sniper round. It is a bit difficult to see exactly what happened, but a person in the background had their hands up and then promptly fell to the ground: Seconds later, a tracer round zooms by: Others are then seen rushing to the person”s aid. The man in the foreground even turns around right after the person was allegedly shot, so we can only assume he heard gunfire or some sort of commotion behind him. Here is another video posted by Ali u00d6zku00f6k showing a police or military sniper, along with two others, hiding in the shadows atop a building somewhere near the protests: New escalation level: Snipers were positioned to keep #giletsjaunes protesters away from the #ChampsElysees. #Paris #France pic.twitter.com/aEmhLEa7HD – Ali u00d6zku00f6k – u0639u0644u064a u0623u0632u0643u0648u0643 (@Ozkok_) December 1, 2018 Tom Woelki 2,851 views 4,321,205 views