Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Actress Alyssa Milano Mocks Triple Amputee Veteran For Wanting To Crowdfund Border Wall – The Clover Chronicle

On Thursday, left-wing Hollywood actress and activist Alyssa Milano took to Twitter and essentially mocked the ongoing crowd funding campaign to build a US-Mexico border wall: “Oh, yes! Let”s #GoFundTheWall while not taking care of our veterans. Cool. Cool. Cool.” Oh, yes! Let’s #GoFundTheWall while not taking care of our veterans. Cool. Cool. Cool. – Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 20, 2018 Ironically enough, the founder of the crowd fund effort, Brian Kolfage, served in the Air Force and was gravely wounded in Iraq, resulting in the loss of three of his limbs. Fellow actor James Woods was left with no other choice but to point this out to airhead Milano: Uh, this effort was initiated by a veteran, who not incidentally is a triple amputee. Just FYI – James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 21, 2018 Last night, Laura Ingraham interviewed Kolfage on her Fox News show “The Ingraham Angle.” Watch below: As of the posting of this article, “We The People Will Fund The Wall” has raised $12.5 million with over 200,000 contributing to the cause. Click here to see the GoFundMe page 270 views 4,377,792 views

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